American Government


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American Government

What You Should Receive From This Class


Why Americans Mistrust Government

1. Large scale, major government failures

2. Scandals

3. Television

4. Results

Yet, We Also Need Government

1. Order

2. National Defense

3. Promote the General Welfare

4. Protect Liberty


Basically,we will discuss how individuals and groups influence not only public opinion for political gain, but also how both political “insiders” and alleged “outsiders” seek to influence governmental powers for political gain.



Cleisthenes (572-485 B.C.)

Returning from exile in 507 BC, Cleisthenes immediately began forging a government that reflected the will of all Athenians, both aristocrats and commoners.

He formed a general assembly of all free men. Each free man had one vote-a type of government we refer to as a direct democracy. These men would meet regularly to discuss and vote on all aspects of the city. Such issues could range from the price of olives to raising taxes to declarations of war. Cleisthenes reforms ushered in an age of great achievement and prosperity for Athenians.

Types of Democracy

Direct Democracy

Modern Day Examples of Direct Democracy

Indirect Democracy

Democratic Values or Ideals

Conditions Conducive To Democracy

Author: Computer & Technoloty