Needs to Belong and Excel


The affiliation motive, the need to be with other people, is especially pronounced when people feel threatened. But we may also choose to get together with others to obtain positive feedback or to give us the physical contact we crave. Affiliation, the desire to be accepted by others, is one of the strongest human needs.


The achievement motive, a learned social motive, underlies the desire to excel, to overcome obstacles, and to strive to do something difficult as well as possible. Atkinson (1964) posits that the motivation to succeed is driven by the expectation of success and the incentive value of success. The need for achievement, which varies among individuals, has been measured using the Thematic Apperception Test (interpretations of drawings) and the Work and Family Orientation Scale, a questionnaire that measures work orientation, mastery, and competitiveness. It has been found that a high degree of competitiveness may actually interfere with achievement.

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