

The following are conferences that provide speaker presentations and excellent resources for teaching online. Please rate each conference after attendance.

BbWorld Users Group Conference

The Blackboard Annual Users Group conference is an excellent place to network with other Blackboard instructors and gather innovative ideas for teaching online.

eLearning Annual Conference

This is a smaller, more faculty focused conference that has proved to be an excellent resource for online teaching. According to their website, their conference "is the friendliest and most comprehensive annual distance learning conference you will find for e-Learning practitioners. It is the one place where you will learn who is doing what, what technologies they are using, what works, and what doesn't."

Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning

Probably the largest attended conference on distance teaching, this conference will provide attendees with a wealth of ideas for teaching online.

EDUCAUSE Conferences

EDUCAUSE offers multiple professional development opportunites throughout the year, with their annual conference being the largest. The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) conference is an excellent resource for creative techniques being used throughout education.