
Website Resources - This free website will help you create banners and graphics for your online course. Simply right-click on the graphic after it is created to use in your course. (You should enable pop-up blockers while on this site as it seems to have a couple of ads.)

What is Your Online Teaching Style? To find out, visit and fill out the self-evaluation to determine if you are a Facilitator, Delegator, Demonstrator, or Authoritarian. Then, decide if you prefer to learn from that style of teacher - can you make a change? Your learning style can affect your teaching style!

What is Your Learning Style? Visit to determine your learning style. This would also be a good site to have your students visit.

Online Rubric Builder: Provide easy to build rubrics for your assignments by visiting Rubrics provide students with clear assessment objectives and also are wonderful feedback forms for grading.

Permission Request Template:

The Best Online Universities:

Spell with Flickr - Grabs images from Flickr (the One Letter and One Digit groups) and uses them to spell out text that's been entered.

Submitted by Murray Davis, Professional Learning Board

The following list of university websites all provide open source course materials so that others may view course materials such as written and audio lectures, syllabi and assignments. These are all created under the Creative Commons License which allows educators to link to them but we must provide a correct citation:

[Name], [Course Title], [Term]. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCouseWare), (Accessed [Date]). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

Websites Submitted by Others

Creating A Course Banner

Submitted by Dr. Rob Gibson, Friends University