Online Course Rubrics
We would all love for our online courses to be considered exemplary. According to a study we found in Education at a Distance, Vol 14, No 9 performed by Hopper and Harmon (2000), the following five emergent themes were revealed when examining exemplary online courses:
- Abundant, rapid feedback
- The instructor demonstrated attributes such as a keen sense of humor, a sense of excitement, high expectations and clearly expressed, and they are good listeners and masters of effective feedback.
- Learning by doing is used in assignments and exercises.
- Developers perceive the absence of traditional visual feedback and interaction.
- Judicious selection of technologies - developers are generally conservative in employing technologies.
To create exemplary online courses, we recommend using an online course rubric for evaluating the online course design and construction. We have listed several here that are excellent. If you have others, please send us the links and we will add them. We would also like for you to rate the rubrics after using each one.